Share Bears

Last night the first grade put on a play, "The Share Bears" It was unbearably, painfully cute in the way that only a first grade play can be. I had tears in my eyes the whole time. The kids were adorable bears and bees. The songs were sacharinly sweet. The story was cheesy. What amazed me was that all the kids remembered their lines and noone got stage fright. But you don't want to hear about all that. You just want to see pictures, I know. Here are all the boy bears, makeup on and ready to GO! On a side note I misunderstood the instructions from the teacher and I made Ben memorize the lines for Bear 2 from the WHOLE PLAY instead of just his scene. Oops. :-)


Joe Ganci said...

How cute are they? Gosh! It makes me wish my boys were young again! Oh, well, someday I'll see my grandkids like this. :-)

MoscowMom said...

SOOO cute!!!! I'd love to see any more pics... He looks so, so proud. Did Nick love watching? Was Ian able to see it? Way to go, Ben!