Sometimes I don't want to know...

As I finished making dinner (pork cooked with apples and cranberries served over millet) I peeked out the window. This was what I saw...

I am not sure what it was all about... and I am pretty sure I don't want to know. I am quite certain that the game they made up was either dangerous, stupid, destructive, or messy. Probably more than one of those, judging by how much fun they were having. If I stepped outside, as a parent, I would have to put an end to the madness... so I just turned around and let them keep at it.


Anonymous said...

Good thinking!
All I want to know where is Nik at that very moment?

Katya said...

That was one of the things I did not want to know.

Anonymous said...

Even better thinking

April Rescigno said...

Sometimes you just have to let Boys be Boys.

MoscowMom said...

You all crack me up! At least in our small apartment, even if I can't SEE one kid, I can HEAR what's going on... And I can STAY IN THE KITCHEN cooking (or on the computer), knowing that whatever they're doing, at least I'm getting some peace and quiet. Hmm. Except for when Katya used to cut off other people's hair.

Katya said...

Usually if the boys are in the house AND they are quiet it means:
a) It is the weekend and they are playing video games or watching Spongebob.
b) It is a weekday and I need to get up and RUN to see what they are doing.