We're going!

This sheila and her blokes are headin' off on 10/12.


Hint 1: To celebrate the boys ate Vegemite on toast for breakfast. Initially Ben loved it and Nik hated it. But eventually Nik warmed to it and is having a Vegemite and cream cheese sandwich for lunch. I even tried some with my cuppa. It's not as bad as it smells.

Hint 2: There is a 14 hour time difference. And Spring just started last week. The wildlife is unique.

Hint 3: Maybe we will take the boys to a game of footy. If it is hot in the summer they might try an ice pole. The other great passtime is surfing so maybe we will learn that. I think we will avoid wrestling the local wildlife even though people have made a career of doing so. And while we are not going out to woop woop, we will certainly be far from home.

Figured it out yet??? The answer will be in the comments by the end of the day!


Anonymous said...

yer going to australia? jesus christ...

thats way further than england...

just in time, by the way, for me and jen to be heading back to nyc.

just got a new job.


Elle said...

i love nik's face here.

Tina in CT said...

Australia it is, I'm sure.

You'll have to put a bug in Tami's ear to go visit.

Glad that it came through. When do you leave? I bet you are in a packing frenzy.

Guess your parents will be heading down under the Xmas.

Katya said...

Yup. Australia. Melbourne to be exact.

We leave on 10/12... so in 12 days!!!!! Yiykes.

Tina in CT said...

It will make for an easier transition as the language is the same. Hope you get to do a lot of exploring while you're there.

You'll escape winter but then you live in GA so you don't have a severe winter.

Good luck with all the preparations.

Tina in CT said...

What is vegemite?

Tami is sick and did not know about your move to Australia. She said it's a 40 hour trip from Moscow so I doubt they'll be on your doorstep.

Joe Ganci said...


Joe Ganci said...

We have neighbors from Australia. They are the nicest people. They think vegemite is good. I suppose there's no accounting for taste. :-)

MoscowMom said...

OK... It's more like 22 1/2 hour of actual flying time, but then the four hours before the flight, too... Yikes. Sure would love to come, but will have no vacation time AT ALL this year, other than the first week of January--when flights are much more expensive.

Hurray for you! What a great opportunity!

Can't wait to read all about it!!!!!

Miloh said...

Great. My friend spent June/July and August in Melbourne.
Her Kids are 8 and 10. She aaid that there was plenty to do with Kids and good public tranportation. I will see if I can get her to email you with some suggestions and survival tips.

Tina in CT said...

I read about vegemite. It definitely must be an acquired taste.