Crazy weather...

Yesterday was cold. Today is warm. Thursday will be scorching. The weather here is CRAZY! Absolutely crazy. I know that every area likes to boast, "if you don't like the weather wait 15 minutes and it will change" but I have never lived somewhere with such extreme temperature swings. It feels like someone rolls a 100 sided die to decide what the weather will be on any given day. How can you have highs in the 60's (yesterday) and almost 100 in the same week?! And this doesn't happen just once... this kind of weather swings are a regular occurrence.


Tina in CT said...

Thanks for the warning as I would have freaked out. I don't like snakes, spiders or any kind of bug. It's good that I was the mother of a girlie girl or I'd have constantly been in a state of freaking out.

Wow, that weather is crazy. I guess you have to dress very in very light clothes and layer.

Anonymous said...

Sounds crazier than New England weather.

Anonymous said...

We are in the midst of trying to vacate the house. Hard to believe we will be on a boat in a few weeks. Looks like the weather in the Florida Keys should be a bit better than in Australia. However, I feel so far away from anywhere right now other than the dimensions of boxes and how many will fit?! Sound familiar? Ben's letter was awesome and Kai has been working on some amazing things to send but I'm running out of time as they need to be scanned, etc...I may have to force him to type a note instead via email! We miss you and so glad to read about your adventures! Much love, D, Kai, Luca and Matt