Tomorrow I am going to conduct a lesson on prepositions

I will hold the class in the bathroom. The bathroom you ask?

Well... I am going to point out to my boys that they have been peeing on the toilet as well as over, under, around, beside, and behind it. The only proper place to pee in IN the blasted thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sigh. Guess what I just finished doing?


Tina in CT said...


April Rescigno said...

We have the same problem here... being the only girl in the house, I'm always complaining about them not lifting the seat up. I hate sitting in someone's puddle!

Try target practice with Cheerios, or bits of colored paper to sink. The two boys can also 'race to the finish' or even use a stopwatch to time each other.

Anything to keep them interested!

Anonymous said...

I just hope you are not going to held a competition during the bathroom lesson!

MoscowMom said...

I hear you, believe me... and the boy in our home isn't so little...