How am I doing...

I hate that question... Now don't get me wrong. I love that so many people care and worry about me. I just hate the answer. Better. I am definitely better. On Sunday we re-arranged our house (more on that in the next post). I had the strength to help unpack my studio into the attic till around noon. Then I was exhausted. Dead tired. Shivers. Chills. Sigh... I had to rest on my bed the rest of the afternoon. I just want to be better. Completely. My whole life back. To be able to spend more than half a day really active.

The other one that gets me down is running into a friend who says, "You look great. You must be feeling better." Yes. I have totally changed my diet and lifestyle. I do look MUCH better. I pretty much only eat fruit, vegetables, fish, chicken, and some grains. I have discovered a gluten intolerance and have cut gluten out of my diet. My digestive system is no longer a mess and my hair has stopped falling out. I get lots of rest, I take time for myself, I ration my activity very carefully, I watch everything that goes into my mouth, I go for 2 walks a day... I just wish it was enough to be completely better...

We were offered the chance to go to Dubai in January. After spending the weekend agonizing we turned it down. Because of my health and because it would mean spending 2-5 months apart. (It would be Jan-Sept/Dec... the kids and I would have to come back in July because Nik starts kindergarten in August).


Tina in CT said...

I'd been wondering how you were doing. One thing is that you are really eating healthy so once your body gains back its strength, you'll be better off for the eating habits.

One way to look at it is that you are much stronger than mid summer. You did a lot on Sunday morning.

Too bad that the Dubai job would be so long.

Joe Ganci said...

It's a shame that it takes getting sick for us to focus more on being healthy. Even a simple cold makes me more grateful for my least for a day or two. Here in Italy, I got a cold pretty much right away and I still have it. Today was a little better and already I'm thinking "woo-hoo." I am by no means trying to equate your condition, my wonderful friend, with a cold. But I do know that a little bit of progress is certainly better than no progress at all. My mom here in Italy is doing so much better. She's not going to be totally back real soon, but the difference in a few weeks is dramatic. I now believe even more strongly in that which I've said for a long time, "As long as there's life, there's hope."