So what have we been up to for the past week?

So what have we been up to for the past week?
Deep cleaning. Purging. Going through every room downstairs, getting rid of clutter, deep cleaning. Vacuuming the baseboards and those little corners that never get cleaned. Washing the windows and steam-cleaning the floors. Taking everything out of drawers and closets and examining if it is really worth keeping.

It is both exhausting and deeply cathartic to start the New Year with a clean house. I love being able to look around and find calm places to rest my eye instead of chaos in every corner.

We didn't quite get it all done... Our bedroom was the last room we tackled and we didn't quite finish. Unfortunately I can still only manage about 3/4 of a day at 2/3 strength... and the kids run out of patience with playing on their own around 1:30... so Ian and the boys went on some bike adventures in the afternoon while I rested and did lesson planning. Hopefully next Saturday we can finish off the last room (our room)...

Mentally I have been doing a similar purge. Cleaning out the cobwebs that have built up from a year of stress and neglect. Reexamining my life, my goals, and my assumptions. Making some resolutions to take better care of myself and my family. Last year was hard. Terribly hard. Between the stressful decisions leading up to pulling Ben out of school, the stress of being a single parent for most of the week, and the health issues I have struggled with for 7 months... last year had us beat. We are hoping 2009 will be a peaceful, healthy, and uneventful year. This past week has been about setting the stage to make that happen -- tomorrow our real life begins again.


Tina in CT said...

2008 was a crappy year all around. I also am hoping that 2009is much better. Mine started out with water in the kitchen from a shot faucet. Bought one today and my neighbor installed in. Dryer has also been dying and we declared it dead yesterday when Tami was using it and smelled something strange.

Anonymous said...

Good luck!

I hope that you are just experiencing the leftovers of the 2008!
2008 was not very pleasant year for me either, so I have high hopes for 2009.

Tina in CT said...


My main wish for 2009 is to have my job at the end of it. More layoffs are coming this winter at my company.


Anonymous said...

we are in the same predicament here, wondering if we will have our jobs at the end of first quarter.

Tina in CT said...

Tami and I were up in the attic and under the eaves through Tami's closet going through stuff. I have bags to go to various sources. Felt good but much more remains to be done.