Glimpses of our week

Usually I post homeschooling pictures on Friday but I have no pictures this week... we have been getting ready for our trip to the Great Barrier Reef. We've been reading books, online articles, websites and watching videos. We've learned about coral polyps, the differences between hard and soft corals, how reefs are formed, and the 3 kinds of coral reefs (fringing, barrier and atoll).
Next week we are going to briefly look at some of the animals that live on the Great Barrier Reef...
And then, on Saturday, we will go see them!!!

It is nice seeing the light at the end of this tunnel. We are leaving two weeks after we come back from the reef... so this will really be our last big adventure.

The weather here is turning chilly. After more than 100 days in a row of temperatures above 70 (the longest summer in 150+ years) we are experiencing a brisk and rainy fall. Time to go do another summer...

1 comment:

Tina in CT said...

Have a great trip. Is it far from where you live? I'll be looking forward to the pictures.